Friday, April 9, 2010

Research: Half the World Boy will Switch to 'iPad'

Jakarta - Enchantment of the computer with touch screen monitors aka touchscreen, seems to be starting 'witch' children in the world. Gartner's research bureau even dare to predict, such as tablet computers Apple iPad output of this, will be used by 50% of children in 2015.

The boy preferred computer control with the touch than with the mouse or keyboard. But among the different businesses, only 10% of them are believed to adopt touch-screen computer at the same time.

Because the business world, among other requirements "typing fast" may not be able to be met with a touch screen. Therefore, regular keyboards are still more reliable.

"What would we see is the young generation will begin to use touchscreen computers faster than the enterprise," said Leslie Fiering, research vice president, Gartner, as quoted from TechRadar, Friday (9/4/2010).

Prediction is a rapid surge. For the year 2009, the percentage of touch-screen computer users among the kids is still less than 2%.

One triggering factor is the adoption of touchscreen computers in educational institutions which continue to rise. This would make the children become accustomed to wearing the gadget in the future.[]

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