Not all people want to buy a ringtone for the iPhone. There are also many who want to make iTunes songs in his personal collection as a ringtone.
Before continuing, please note that these tips are intended for beginners. For who are used to make a ringtone on your iPhone please switch.
These tips will make use of a collection of songs that have been owned and located in the iTunes Library. Songs that could be exploited in these tips is just a free Digital Rights Management (DRM).
DRM-free songs can be downloaded from iTunes at higher prices, than it is usually the result of extraction (ripping) from the CD will be free of DRM as well. Make sure ripping made from legally owned CDs. detikINET not responsible for the legal implications of these tips.
Okay, here is a simple way to get free ringtones on the iPhone by exploiting the existing collection of songs in iTunes:
1. Open iTunes
2. Find songs in iTunes collection to be used as ringtones
3. Listen to the song, and find the section you want to use.
4. Record the start time and end of a song that, for example 1:00 to 1:40. (Maximum length 40 seconds)
5. Right click the song title and choose 'Get Info'
6. Click the tab 'Options'
7. Enter the initial time where you want to be taken on the Text Box 'Start Time'. For example, 1:00
8. Enter the final time on the Text Box 'Stop Time'. For example, 1:40
9. Click OK
10. Right-click again the title track and select 'Convert to AAC'
11. If successful, it will display duplicate songs in iTunes with a shorter duration
12. Right-click on the results of earlier pieces and select 'Delete'
13. On the menu that appears select 'Keep Files' so that iTunes does not delete the song from the hard drive
14. Open file location before, usually there in the folder 'Music> iTunes> iTunes Music' (or something of that kind) in a folder with the name of the singer / music group
15. Right click this file and rename it with the suffix. M4r (original file will have the suffix. M4a)
16. Double-click the file that has changed akhirannya. iTunes will add the file to her in the Library.
17. Connect your iPhone and do Sync Ringtones