With XL only 550 rupiah/day can Chats and facebook unlimited
Exciting competition not only occur between the mobile phone vendors, but also occurs in the cellular operator. They are vying to become the best with the release of the packages that can attract consumers to use their products.
XL, which some time ago received an award in the Best Operator category in 2010 released and Product package facebook chat, and access much as you like by using the phone only to pay 550 rupiah per day. Not only that customers were also given a lot of daily choices, they can also subscribe to the weekly and monthly.
To enjoy this service users XL sufficient to access *123*545*. Then the menu will appear and you can select the package, Rp 550 per day, Rp 2750 / 7hari, and Rp 8.800/30 days. Then to disable please access *123*545#, select the type of chat services, and then select stop service
Terms for using the service is unlimited chat with mamakai mig33 application, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Live Messenger, etc.
XL, which some time ago received an award in the Best Operator category in 2010 released and Product package facebook chat, and access much as you like by using the phone only to pay 550 rupiah per day. Not only that customers were also given a lot of daily choices, they can also subscribe to the weekly and monthly.
To enjoy this service users XL sufficient to access *123*545*. Then the menu will appear and you can select the package, Rp 550 per day, Rp 2750 / 7hari, and Rp 8.800/30 days. Then to disable please access *123*545#, select the type of chat services, and then select stop service
Terms for using the service is unlimited chat with mamakai mig33 application, Yahoo Messenger, MSN Live Messenger, etc.
Tag : XL launch pakage unlimited chat, XL rilis paket unlimited chatting dan facebook, pakage unlimited xl chat and facebook, price pakage unlimited xl chat and facebook, harga pakage unlimited xl chat and facebook,